(Bubble of Peace for a few twists and turns along the way)
Very mild, Braxton-Hicks like waves began Friday (39w3d) morning, roughly every 5-10 minutes. We went on with our day until Friday evening and had my mom come grab our son just in case things began during the night. Things stalled out during the night, but began again Saturday morning, except at 3 min apart. I called my midwives and doula to let them know, and rolled around on my birth ball for most of the day, and walked around the mall. By the time 10 pm came, they were feeling stronger and I found a tiny bit of bloody show, but I was able to lay down and sleep for a couple hours. Around 12:30 am they woke me up and were becoming more intense, though still very comfortable- back to work on the birth ball!
I got my IV and everyone began the packing up process around me. I sat on my birthing ball and rode out the waves. I began to feel intensely pushy, and everyone could very clearly hear it in my grunty voice. After 10-15 minutes someone suggested I head to the toilet to get through these waves/pushes. I got to the toilet, and it was crystal clear I was going to be staying at the Birth Center- and having my baby in the bathroom! I started out facing backwards leaning up against the toilet with my husband pressing behind me on my hips. After a few waves my midwife came in and instructed me to face forward so she could see a bit better in there.
I couldn't hold him right away- they had to force air into him for around 4 minutes, which was worrying for my husband.. But they kept saying that his heartbeat and color were perfect, and his cord was still attached, so I wasn't as concerned. Eventually he took a breath and cried/grunted! I finally got to hold him :) Getting the placenta out, we realized I was hemorrhaging a bit and so we dealt with that. Later, after getting to lay in the comfy bed, I was checked for tears and I ended up having three along my perineum, and labia- all an inch long. I was sutured and utilized my Peace cue yet again (Note: I did not do perineum massages during pregnancy).
All in all, I would consider my experience with Hypnobabies a success! Using my mantra of cues and affirmations helped keep me level through each wave of my 23 hour long birthing time! I still am in shock of how things turned out, I had completely given up, but my body and baby had other ideas! I am so proud of myself for rocking this VBAC and reaching all of my goals! I am forever grateful for my extremely supportive husband, doula, team of midwives, chiropractors, and craniosacral therapist who all made this experience possible for me.