About 4:30 am on Thursday, 9/20, I woke up to persistent cramping. I was pretty sure they weren't waves (what contractions are called in Hypnobabies), just constant cramping strong enough to keep me awake. I wasn't sure what it meant other than my body preparing for birth sometime soon, so I proceeded with my day as usual. When I told my boss what happened I joked that I would let him know if anything "exciting" happened. Though I didn't believe anything would, by 4 pm I noticed more cramping, but this time with waves. It was getting harder to focus on talking serious business, but I still assumed it was because I was so tired from the short night of sleep the night before. I left work a little early in hopes of napping when I got home. On the bus ride home, I decided to try out the app for timing waves. To my surprise, they were fairly frequent (every 6 - 7 minutes for about a minute each). They didn't seem as strong as I imagined they might be, so I still didn't think much of them.
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Hypno-mom Marjorie shares her experience using her Hypnobabies tools for more than just the birth of her little girl (which you can read about here).
I had decided I wanted to have a natural childbirth birth due to wanting to avoid an epidural. My initial reason for desiring a low intervention birth was because my lower back (right above where it joins my pelvis) was surgically fused when I was 21 – this meant if I had wanted an epidural, it would have been put in much higher. I was also slightly concerned about back pain during pregnancy, but figured I would just deal with it. Enter Hypnobabies. Enjoy this great story from a couple who took Lindsay's class back in 2011! We love how it shows that each birth is so different and each Hypno-couple will use the Hypnobabies tools that feel right to them during their birthing time.
Click HERE to read the story! Our Birth Story It all started on November 6th 2012 at about 4:30 pm. We were 41 weeks along & going to have a biophysical profile done. While we were at the ultrasound the technician said my fluid was low & that I needed to go have a non-stress test done to monitor myself & the baby. We went up to the hospital (which I thought was just because the clinic was closed) & the nurse hooked me up the monitor & said the midwife would be in shortly to see me. When the midwife came in she said everything looked good on the monitor but it looked like we were staying & going to have a baby the next day. I was VERY caught off guard because this was NOT how it was supposed to go, even though I was 41 weeks along I was just shocked! We had plans to stay at home as long as possible & to have our doula come to our house & go with us to the hospital. |
May 2024