I had been having pressure waves for two weeks as we approached Owen's guess date. I knew they weren't the “real thing” yet and I felt impatient for his arrival, though prepared and fearless. We had given the midwives our birth plan which asked for lots of privacy and quiet. I felt respected and supported by everyone potentially involved in the upcoming birth.
My pregnancy with Owen went smoothly overall, especially with the excellent prenatal care at Morning Star. When we heard that Karla taught Hypnobabies classes, Nathan and I agreed that we wanted to go that route. The class required a large investment of time and effort but we felt very informed and prepared by the end of the class. We also felt such wonderful support from Karla as well as the two other couples in the class.
I had been having pressure waves for two weeks as we approached Owen's guess date. I knew they weren't the “real thing” yet and I felt impatient for his arrival, though prepared and fearless. We had given the midwives our birth plan which asked for lots of privacy and quiet. I felt respected and supported by everyone potentially involved in the upcoming birth.
May 2024