This is the story of our very first adventure together and how you entered this world. I’m writing this to remind you how fiercely I loved you right from the start. Not to mention, it’ll also serve as a nice little reminder of why your mama deserves a little respect when you’re an angsty teenager.
So let’s start at the beginning. Towards the end of December 2015, I had a gut feeling that I was pregnant. I took three tests and they all came back negative. I knew it to be true so I took another test early January and there was a VERY faint line, meaning it was positive but it was so faint I couldn’t be sure. I of course spent hours googling what it could mean but I still couldn’t be sure. I took two more tests a few days later just to confirm. After the sixth test and a very dark “positive” line, I finally knew for sure! We felt surprised, overwhelmed, and full of joy all at the same time.