We got home around 3 am and I tried to lie down but I couldn’t sleep. I also started to have some mild pressure waves which made it hard to sleep. I searched through my home for the birthing day tracks but realized that Anne, our Hypnobabies instructor, had not given them to us yet as we were supposed to have our final class in 2 days. I texted our doula Laura who was able to have Anne email us the tracks. After that I rested listening to the tracks but was unable to sleep. We returned to the birth center again around 9:30 am for another dose of antibiotics however I was not having hardly any pressure waves. The midwives told us to try to go about our day normally and not to worry.
We went home and I made a batch of cookies and ate lunch. Still not much was happening. We had to return again to the birth center for our 2 pm dose of antibiotics and after that dose the midwife recommended we try some castor oil to see if we could get things moving. Our doula Laura also recommended we try two herbal remedies which we picked up at Whole Foods. At home I walked on the treadmill, walked around the block and did squats.
At 6 pm we had to return for another dose of antibiotics and we were starting to get worried. I would have some occasional pressure waves but they tended to be erratic and would fizzle out. The midwife told us that they would recommend an induction if I was not in my active birthing time by 24 hours from when my water broke (midnight). My husband and I started becoming more anxious as we both really wanted to have a natural birth and wanted to avoid having to go to the hospital and be induced.
The driving back and forth to the birth center for the antibiotics was also starting to take its toll on me as I had not slept since midnight. Mary-Signe, the nurse midwife, kindly offered for us to use one of the birthing rooms to rest in. She said we would have to leave if someone else came in and needed it but we decided to take her up on her offer. My husband and I laid down to rest. I had been listening to the Easy First Stage tracks, but we decided to listen to the relaxation music track on the speakers.
As we were resting I felt the waves start to build up. Previously they had been very mild but they were starting to be more overwhelming. My husband called Laura, our doula, and she came around 9:20 pm. At that time I was having frequent waves. It definitely felt like a strong squeezing pressure, and it seemed like they were coming one after another. Laura did some rebozo for me and we used the birth ball. The midwife came back and said that she wanted to check me at 10:30 and 12:30 to make sure that I was progressing. As the waves started becoming more intense, I became scared at their strength. Laura told me to say “good” with the waves which helped me to visualize the waves as bringing my baby closer.
I had my first check at 10:30 pm. I was 3 cm, 90% and -1 station. I did not find out my numbers which in retrospect I am glad about as I would have been discouraged to find out that I was “only 3 cm” after having such frequent and intense waves for an hour or two. After the check we went back to the bathroom and Laura suggested we get into the shower which was a lifesaver! As soon as I got in the shower I felt more relaxed and calm. When the waves would come I felt I had to move by swaying or doing little mini-squats. The warm water definitely helped me to calm down and I was able to talk in between waves with my husband and Laura. The shower felt so great I think I could have stayed in there forever, however I had to come out for my second check at 12:45 am. I had to get in bed on my back for the check and I was very uncomfortable. I can’t imagine being stuck in bed for the whole birthing process! At the second check I had advanced to 7 cm, 100% and +1 station. Again I didn’t find out my numbers, but Laura was told.
After the second cervical check I felt my body start to push involuntarily. I was feeling a lot of pain while lying in bed so Laura and my husband helped me to stand. I then stood hanging on to either Laura or my husband while the tub was filled. The midwife told me not to push, however I couldn’t stop. It felt like my body was a train going at full speed and I was just along for the ride. When the tub was finally filled my husband and I got in. Another involuntary push came along and Raynor’s head was born. After this the midwife had me get out of the tub, I believe she may have been concerned that his hand was born by his face. They helped me out of the tub and then he was born after several pushes on my hands and knees at 1:05 am.
It was such a beautiful, overwhelming and awesome experience. Hypnobabies was helpful in allowing me to relax and let my body do its job as it was made to. Laura reading hypnosis scripts to me throughout the birth process was essential as well. When the scripts were being read I could feel myself relaxing and the pain easing. My husband was also so supportive and he also felt reassured by having Laura there.
My birth was not pain-free, however Hypnobabies made it much calmer and more comfortable. There were times when I wanted to quit but the support from my husband and Laura helped me through. As a first time mom, my birth was also fast, going from 3cm to baby born in less than 3 hours, and I think Hypnobabies was a big part of that. Our midwife Taylor even said that the “Hypnobabies must really work” after seeing our birth. I tell everyone that Hypnobabies works and is essential for moms wanting to have beautiful natural births.
I am so blessed to have a beautiful baby boy as well as a wonderful birth to remember! I am so thankful for my husband, Laura Hanstad (our doula), and all the great staff at the Minnesota Birth Center.