For this pregnancy I was excited for the opportunity to finally have my birth center birth. I had risked out and had to birth at a hospital for Isla due to hypertension. I found Willow Midwives and once I toured the beautiful facility, I was excited to give birth again. I had also decided to learn about Hypnobabies and use hypnosis for a more comfortable birth.
One week after her guess date, and after three weeks of me trying to do everything to entice her to come out (I honestly thought I was going to be pregnant forever) I got desperate and YouTubed “Pregnancy Induction Dance.” I cried as I danced to the videos because I was a hormonal, fat, tired, and sick of being pregnant. My husband laughed at me that night as we went on one of our nightly walks when I told him.
4:30 am - Welp, early that next morning I had just laid back down after going to the bathroom, but I felt like I peed a little. I got up immediately to find my bloody show. I had mild waves throughout the day, much like my practice waves, but definitely birthing time. I continued to work through the day, took a nap, and went on a couple walks. The waves came and went inconsistently, but never increased in intensity.
3:30 pm -I told my parents to come up that night. My mom was one of my birthing partners along with husband, and my dad would watch the kids (2 and 3 yo) if it happened that night. I had my 41-week appointment that afternoon and my midwife determined I was definitely in birthing time and my waters were leaking. I declined when she asked if I wanted my waters completely broken to kick-start things, as I didn’t want any interventions. She sent me home and told me she’d call me at 8 pm to see if things progressed and to see what I wanted to do.
7 pm - Mom and Dad came up that evening and the whole family went on a little walk which got some good waves coming (3 mins apart) as I huffed and puffed my way back home. I laid down to see if they would chill out, and they got down to every 5 mins. The midwife called and I told her I thought they would be tolerable for me to try to get some sleep that night. Well, within 30 minutes I was getting them every 1.5 minutes and I knew it was time to go in. I have a history of fast and furious births when things get going.
9:30 pm - We drove 35 mins, about 3 miles from the riots that night to the birth center. My waves gave me a break and only came every 10 minutes during the drive, it was heavenly. Once I got all checked in and settled, the waves started to intensify again. I got in the tub and for a while, barked at my husband at some point for bringing smelly pizza into the room, barked at him some more to put the right kind of pressure on my back to help the ease the intensity (he is a wonderfully patient birth partner). My sweet nurse knew exactly what I needed for comfort, though, I may have barked at her a few times too. My mom kept me focused on keeping in hypnosis and relaxing. During the most intense periods, I tended to bear down and hold my breath, but she kept doing the 5-4-3-2-1 and by 1, I was able to release and flow deeper into hypnosis every single time. I would chant “peace” or “release” or “open” when I needed to focus and that always helped.
12:20 am - Within 30 minutes on the toilet, I was complete and started pushing on my own. Moments before, my husband thought he had a moment to go get a slice of pizza, so my mom screamed for him and the MW to come and for me to stop pushing and to get off the toilet. I barked a couple NOOOOOs at her and did my thing. Within only 5 mins, I pushed her out. Pretty sure I never got the “Pushing Baby Out” track on for this, lol. (Don’t worry, I stood up, grabbed her from the front, my MW caught her from the back and I safely kept her out of the toilet).
I made playlists of my hypno-tracks all throughout the pregnancy, but I should have done that for birth time. Random tracks would play, then I would have to explain to my mom what to put back on. Honestly, it didn’t bug me too much, because I just needed to hear that music and Kerry’s voice to instantly sooth me and put me back into hypnosis. I used my own cues, but it was her voice that did it for me.
My birthing time was technically longer than my first two (20 hours compared to 4 and 6 hours respectively), and still very intense at times, but this was, by far my easiest, most peaceful and present birth. I got the birth I wanted. Rosalind was 7lb, 11oz, 20"