We did an in-person Hypnobabies class, and as first time parents, we are so grateful for that. We were able to complete most of the class before Covid hit. I was pretty good about getting my tracks in every day, and I was a sleeper. I feel asleep (and stayed asleep) for about 90% of all Hypnobabies tracks. They relaxed me instantly, and I just always conked out! In hindsight, I wish I would have had some more conscious experiences in hypnosis (I could have attempted some more upright positions during my tracks, which might have helped me stay awake) prior to birthing, but I know that Hypnobabies was still incredibly helpful during our birthing time.
My waves began the day before around 1 pm. They continued through the afternoon, picking up in intensity. We added doula support at home around 9 pm, and stayed at home until about 12:30 am. Hospital check in was very smooth, considering my waves were about 1 minute apart (though still on the shorter side). The staff was awesome at giving me space during waves, and my husband helped answer all the questions he could.
The hospital staff could see how far along I was, and I got to skip the triage check in and was placed in a room right away. I didn’t find out my numbers in the moment (SO glad I did this!), but later learned I arrived at 6 cm. I was connected to monitors the whole time, as baby’s heart rate was showing a few things that they wanted to keep an eye on. I was also GBS positive and chose to do the antibiotics. Though the monitors and IV were annoying, they didn’t stop me from being as active as I wanted to, and I used the tub as well.
We worked through waves during the night, and in the morning I began to feel very strong pressure. My midwife checked me again, said there hadn’t been a ton of progress over night, and asked if we’d like to break my waters. I was worried about things intensifying, but I also wanted to keep things moving, as that morning was the most uncomfortable. I learned afterwards that I hadn’t progressed at all over night, and was still at 6 cm! So glad I didn’t know that in the moment, or that might have discouraged me. I began pushing a few hours later, around 10 am.
Pushing was intense and difficult. She wasn’t moving down, despite a ton of work and upright positions. “Ahhing the baby down” didn’t end up working for me. I needed a much more active approach to move her down and through the pelvic bone, where she was pretty stuck. My midwife was great at giving me space to use my hypnosis tools, and she started to give some helpful advice when things weren’t progressing. I realized after, I should have asked her for help sooner, as it wasn’t until her coaching baby made any progress.
About an hour and a half later, baby began having some distress. Her heart rate was showing some signs that we needed to get her out. Things became pretty intense, the NICU team was called in, just to be on the safe side, and I worked so hard to get her out. My midwife stayed calm, and I stayed calm keeping tracks playing, and as things continued to intensify, my midwife calmly said we had one more push before we absolutely had to get her out. I had been giving every push my all, and was determined to move her down and out. After that push, she said, “let’s just do one more push”, and our sweet baby was born! We were very close to needing an episiotomy, but we didn’t! I was grateful for a program that taught me to stay calm, and a midwife who guided us to the finish line.
I would describe her birth as an out of body experience. I don’t think I was ever the best at hypnosis, but during her birth, I was in a zone where time moved quickly, I was feeling waves as discomfort and pressure, and I didn’t feel the need for medications. I think that’s what Hypnobabies did for me, and I’m grateful for it!
Best of luck to all the mamas out there! You are going to do great!!