My birthing journey started with finding where to give birth. We decided on Health Foundations Birth Center in Saint Paul. Telling your in-laws (a nurse and a doctor) that you aren't birthing their first grandchild at a hospital isn't the easiest thing to do. We too, like them, had many questions and concerns prior to making our decision. At Health Foundations we felt so comfortable and safe. We literally felt like we were at home. They put such an emphasis on personalized care from the time that we stepped in for our first appointment to the 6 week postpartum appointment.
Fast forward to 40 weeks and 4 days, Monday 1/14. I woke up that morning with irregular Braxton Hicks that followed me throughout the day. I went to work that day thinking that they would go away. After eating lunch and having some meetings, I decided that I should go home to get some rest if today was the day. I called my doula, Aileen Larson, and let her know that today might be the day. She encouraged me to get some rest and let her know when things progress. Later Monday night, I noticed that I needed to focus my attention more towards my hypnosis rather than "The Bachelor" as my waves were becoming stronger. I jumped in the shower which seemed to help. I started my Deepening track which usually puts me to sleep.
When I woke up in the morning I was still having irregular waves but nothing super strong. My husband went to work and I stayed home. Around 10:3 0am my waves stopped. All this time I was waiting for signs - mucous plug, water breaking, pooping or diarrhea etc. Nothing. Zero. I was slightly embarrassed because I thought that this was the time.
4:30 pm rolls around and waves started becoming stronger than they where the previous day. I passed two bowel movements that didn't know were humanly possible and I knew at that point I was birthing within the next 24-48 hours. I chuck this up to mama instincts. Chad started to help me get comfortable and we tried to get some sleep. Around 9 pm, I couldn't rest anymore and got into the shower to ease my discomfort. Water is such a great tool for making yourself comfortable during your birthing time. During this time, I pictured myself in my safe place and had this track running while laying in the tub. Once I got out, Chad and I went into full hypnosis mode. He guided me through different positions, going to the bathroom, staying hydrated etc. Such a huge help!
Around 11 pm, Chad called our doula to come assist further per my request. She arrived around 12:20 am when my waves were 2-3 minutes apart. Chad called the birth center and they suggested that we come in. Shortly after 1 am we arrived at Health Foundations. They checked me but I didn't want to know my numbers because this would mess with my mind. I’m glad I didn’t because I was only 4 cm, 50-75% effaced and -2 station. My midwife suggested that I head to the shower to relax. After spending 15 minutes in the shower, she came in to validate my progress but suggested that I return home to progress further there. My heart sank to the bottom of the ocean. I had thought that I was doing great and needed lots of encouragement from my team to reassure myself that I was doing a great job.
By the time we returned home it was about 2 am. Chad and I tried to get some rest however I found it more helpful to be awake practicing my hypnosis. I went back to the shower - yeah water! - to help myself relax. I spent nearly an hour or so in the shower. Long enough for me to use up all the hot water. Right before I got out, it felt like I had started my period. Hello mucous plug! Things were moving along - finally! Waves were becoming stronger now, but nothing I couldn't handle using my hypnosis. I woke Chad up to update him and he encouraged me to eat something. 5 minutes later threw it right back up. He gave me something else to eat. Same thing happens. Then we try water. Same thing. Chad called the birth center and they suggest that we come in. Alleluia! Aileen met us there.
We arrived at Health Foundations at 6 am on 1/16. When they checked me I was 7cm/90% effaced/-1 station. They had the birthing tub ready for me to get into and the room set up exactly the way that I wanted them to. Around 8 am I was noticing that my hypnosis needed some support so I asked for nitrous. The nitrous gave me the extra umph that I needed to help birth my daughter. Hypnosis and nitrous were the perfect duo in my birthing journey.
Around 10:30 am my body felt like it needed to push so Chad got into the tub to help me with my hypnosis - my peace cue worked great during this time. Aileen turned on the Pushing Baby Out track. At one point, I thought that she was coming but it was my waters breaking! 2 hours of pushing and our daughter, Delta Olivia, arrived into this world. Chad was able to catch her and cut her cord after it was done pulsing. Not too many people can say that they caught their baby! He was very excited to do this.
Hypnobabies and Health Foundations gave me the natural and low intervention birth that I wanted. I can’t wait to use my hypnosis again for future births!