I had gestational diabetes for the second time during this pregnancy. So I knew I would be induced at 39 weeks. I was trying to prepare myself for induction medication but made sure my midwives knew that I didn’t want anything else. My husband and myself went into labor and delivery on our scheduled time May 31st at 7:30am. It took awhile to get all settled in but by 10:30am they hooked me up to monitor the baby and gave me oral Cytotec. At this point I listed to fear clearing just to get all my worries at peace and begin relaxing. I also listened to Easy first stage and began getting into deep relaxation.
I was given Cytotec at 12:30 and at 2:30. My midwife checked me to see how I was progressing. The medicine was working really well so they decided to stop Cytotec and see what my body would do naturally. From 3:00-6:00 I had some nice calm pressure waves but nothing that was uncomfortable. I watched a little HGTV, took a nap and ate some food. Around 6:00pm nothing was happening so my midwife started a Pitocin drip. They increased Pitocin throughout the evening. My husband and I went on several walks around the area to try and position my baby nicely. During these walks I felt some wonderful pressure waves and can only describe them as my body hugging my baby and helping my baby move. They were wonderful to feel. My husband and I also practiced some pelvic movements to try to get our baby in the right position. I also sat on the birthing ball, rotating my hips and listening to the Hypnobabies relaxation music tracks.
At about 1:00am on June 1st the midwife thought I was far enough along to break my water. Once she broke my water my pressure waves become more intense. I decided to take a bath and relax in the warm water. About 40 minutes later my body told me it was time to push. I immediately got out of the bath and laid on my right side and began pushing. I listened to the pushing track during this time. My husband rubbed my back and whispered parts of the script to me to help me stay in deep relaxation. I was amazed at how my body knew it was time to push and soon I would see my baby. Pushing lasted around 40 minutes, I kept my eyes closed, and listened to my body telling me when it was time to push. Between pushing I would rest and stay in deep relaxation. Noah arrived at 3:33am weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces and 21 ¾ inches long. He cried for only a moment and then when he was on my chest immediately was calm and peaceful.
Hypnobabies gave me the birthing experience I was looking for. I didn’t have back pain, I could get up and move around right away, and I was extremely happy and proud. I would recommend Hypnobabies to anyone!!!