I went about my day as I normally would, and felt some minor pressure waves...
I told my husband, Dane, to get off his computer (he was working from home) and join me in our room. I turned on the fear clearing track in my headphones while we were lying down together; and as I was listening, it made me realize I had to communicate to Dane that I just needed him to be close and to know that if our birthing time progresses, he will be there. Dane is a manager at Amazon, and of course they are so busy this time of year. I’ve really been struggling with him working all the time. (I’m including this detail because it’s one example of how the Hypnobabies tools have helped me.)
After we talked, my husband and I were able to have some alone time together. Like we go through in class, intimacy can play such an important role during birthing!
Things started to pick up. I texted Anne at 5:40 pm saying my waves were still totally manageable but I was wondering if the hospital seemed busy when she was there. (She was at another birth at our hospital that morning!) I wanted to make sure a waterbirth room was available.
After texting through some waves, Anne and I decided it would be a good idea to call the midwife and let her know what was going on. At 6:15 we talked to Amy, the midwife on call. We told her my waves had not yet reached a minute in length, so she said to wait an hour and call back.
I decided to dim the lights in our bathroom (using a salt lamp for an orange glow!) and take a bath while listening to Easy First Stage and my husband sat next to me doing the peace cue during my waves and timing them on his phone.
At 7:20 pm I texted Anne and said I wanted to go to the hospital. We packed up the car and gave my mom and our three year old some big hugs and took off.
Anne met me at the entrance to the hospital while Dane parked the car. We had to pause for a couple waves while getting up to the birth center, and Anne helped me through them using the Hypnobabies prompts.
(BOP: change in birth plans, busy hospital)
They told us to go right in at the birth center and check in at the nurses station. Anne let them know we were about to have a baby and we needed a room right away. At that moment I had a strong wave to work through and next thing I know, we are headed to triage. The time was 7:55 pm.
When we got to triage, I told Anne I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom and I wanted her to come with me while Dane answered questions with the nurses. We turned off the lights (Anne had her phone on so it wasn’t completely dark) and I had another intense wave on the toilet. Looking back, I wonder if this was transformation?? (Anne's Note: Sure WAS!!) Anne told me that there were no water birth rooms available and to visualize what my birth was going to be like without that. Then, still on the toilet, I had another intense wave and my water exploded. The time was 8:00 pm.
We quickly moved to the triage room and I positioned myself on the bed just as I visualized giving birth in the tub, on my knees and squatting and I leaned over the back of the bed. The triage nurse checked my cervix and Anne told her to let me know if I was complete. We found out I was at 10 cm and my body started pushing on its own. They had an OB come in to observe and wait for my midwife to arrive.
After all of the videos we’ve seen of women “ahh-ing” their babies out, I was trying my best to not rush the pushing part. Between pushing urges I remember saying “I wish I were a quiet birther!” Anne was helping me with Hypnobabies prompts and playing the Pushing Baby Out track and Dane was right beside me with words of love and encouragement. My midwife made it to our triage room and I pushed out our 9 pound, 3 ounce baby shortly after, at 8:27pm. 27 minutes after my water broke on the toilet.
The midwife passed our baby between my legs and I was able to look down and see we had a baby boy! I scooped him up to my chest and just took in that moment with our sweet new baby, Leo. ❤️
We had a similar experience with my first hypno-baby (Arrived at the hospital at 9 cm, gave birth 50 minutes later and didn’t have time to get in the water.) And even though I’m 0/2 on my planned water births, I’m so thankful for the positive birth experiences I have had with Hypnobabies.