by: Anne Ferguson
The Hypnobabies Twin Cities Instructors are passionate about birth, and we are passionate about couples being supported during their birth. In this article, we'd like to share the many ways we've seen doulas help couples through the journey of birth! You'll also enjoy reading quotes from local families about how they benefited from working with a doula.
The Hypnobabies Twin Cities Instructors are passionate about birth, and we are passionate about couples being supported during their birth. In this article, we'd like to share the many ways we've seen doulas help couples through the journey of birth! You'll also enjoy reading quotes from local families about how they benefited from working with a doula.
From the HBTC instructors, here are some of the many things a hypno-doula can do for you!
- Prenatally she is a resource for you. Have a question about something your provider said at a prenatal that you want more information about? Call your doula! Wondering if the globs of mucous in your undies are normal? Call your doula! Need a referral to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, pediatrician, midwife, postpartum doula, dog walker, etc.? Call your doula!
- Doulas can help you navigate your choice of provider. They've attended births all over the Twin Cities and can help you match your dreams for your ideal birth with the standard protocols at various hospitals, birth centers, etc. In the Twin Cities we are incredibly lucky to have so many great options it can be overwhelming. Your doula can help you narrow down your search based on what you are looking for in a care provider and birth experience.
- She can meet you at home in your early birthing time, helping keep everything relaxed. She can help you read the signs and encourage you to tune in to your intuition about when to transfer to your place of birth.
- She is there to help you use your Hypnobabies tools to the fullest. She has seen the program help other mothers and will give you confidence that you too can give birth naturally!
- Your doula can read birth prompts while your partner massages your back. Or she can apply counter-pressure while your partner does the "relax" cue. Or she can stay with you while your partner steps out for a breath of fresh air or a quick meal. Even with the most calm, quick and relaxed births, there is plenty of "work" for the support team to do.
- Your hypno-doula has an understanding of how a baby's position in utero can affect your birthing time. She can suggest and help you work through techniques to help a baby move into a more ideal position, which can help your birth be shorter and easier.
- A doula is never there to replace the birth partner. In fact, her job is to *enhance* his or her role. A doula will involve a birth partner in the process to their comfort level, always making sure the birthing mom's needs are being met. Sometimes a doula is just working in the background, encouraging the partner to stay close to mom, and doing the background work like filling the water and providing cold wash cloths for mom's forehead.
- Nurses and midwives are in and out during the birth process and if you are working with an OB, they come in to see you at the very end. Your doula is there the whole time, providing you with that continuous support that has been shown through much research to improve all kinds of outcomes like epidural use and c-section rates.
- Should a birth take an unexpected turn, the doula can help explain what is going on and why, in terms couples can easily understand. She is there to help make sure both mom and partner have asked all questions they have and help them sort through the choices being presented in certain situations.
- Postpartum, your doula can help you remember details of your birth, since they may be fuzzy. She may takes notes and give those to you. She can also help with breastfeeding and is a wealth of information should challenges arise in the early days with baby. If she can't help, she knows who to contact to help you!
- Sometimes a doula is like an insurance policy. Some births are very smooth and fast, and others are long and challenging. Occasionally a doula misses a birth because baby decided to come so quickly, but those families are still so happy they hired a doula. Her care prenatally and postpartum is still so valuable.
Here's what local families have to say:
"It's hard for me to put in words exactly what I am thinking, but, I couldn't imagine giving birth without our doula with us. She was my voice when I was confused or scared. She had suggestions for different positions when I felt stuck. Her voice (which I heard so often in our class since she was our instructor) immediately calmed me down as we practiced every week in class. Knowing that there was one other person, besides my husband, who was my cheerleader was awesome."
"It's hard for me to put in words exactly what I am thinking, but, I couldn't imagine giving birth without our doula with us. She was my voice when I was confused or scared. She had suggestions for different positions when I felt stuck. Her voice (which I heard so often in our class since she was our instructor) immediately calmed me down as we practiced every week in class. Knowing that there was one other person, besides my husband, who was my cheerleader was awesome."
As my husband told our doula at our postpartum visit, having our doula with us was like have a translator in a foreign country. It was nice to have confirmation that things were going well and progressing." - Melissa
"It really helped out having a doula tag team with my birth partner, that way I was never alone during pressure waves. " -Kathleen
"I really wanted to have a natural childbirth. I knew Hypnobabies would be the way I could accomplish that and I wanted a good support team behind me! I heard amazing things about doulas and knew that I wanted a strong yet gentle one to help me out!". -Amie
"I was skeptical at first when I heard about using a doula because I felt like that was supposed to be my job but trusting my wife and meeting with Anne showed me that wasn't the case. After using a hypno-doula, I would definitely do it again." -Jimmy
"It really helped out having a doula tag team with my birth partner, that way I was never alone during pressure waves. " -Kathleen
"I really wanted to have a natural childbirth. I knew Hypnobabies would be the way I could accomplish that and I wanted a good support team behind me! I heard amazing things about doulas and knew that I wanted a strong yet gentle one to help me out!". -Amie
"I was skeptical at first when I heard about using a doula because I felt like that was supposed to be my job but trusting my wife and meeting with Anne showed me that wasn't the case. After using a hypno-doula, I would definitely do it again." -Jimmy
"It was fabulous having an advocate in our corner when things didn’t go according to plan. Our doula was able to explain what was happening and why when things seemed to be moving quickly or when I was having a tough time focusing. She reminded my husband and I to ask for things that we specified we wanted but would have otherwise been missed. Having a doula allowed my husband to be able to take breaks, eat and sleep as needed during a very long birthing process. She also took pictures and video during the baby’s delivery, what a great memento!"
"I appreciated our initial meetings where our doula explained the process and asked us for our thoughts, wishes and ideas. The postpartum meeting allowed me to have any questions answered and feel more comfortable with breastfeeding. It was nice to hear “you’re on the right track” as a first time mom. I was grateful for the tips and suggestions when I was missing something. I would absolutely hire a doula again, they should be a staple in every birthing team." -Michele
"I have had two amazing, natural, drug free births. My husband was a huge support. But there is no way I would voluntarily birth without a doula. The weeks, days, hours leading up to my birthing time were challenging, not knowing when "it" would start, but having a doula to talk, vent, cry, laugh with, etc was essential for my mental health. Then add in the support during birthing and even more so after baby arrived. Talking about the birth, breastfeeding, babywearing, and general parenting with a doula makes it all so much easier. Thank you to my doulas!!" - Kjersten
"Having a doula was invaluable. The only question for the next birth will be one doula or two." -Spencer
"I would say missing out of having a doula for my first birth led to my desire to become a doula and then fulfill my wonderful vision for my second birth, which included my fabulous doula. I would tell any mom but definitely a first time mom that she owes it to herself to research pregnancy and birth options and educate herself and her birth partner and that research needs to include using a doula no matter what kind of birth she plans for." - Laura
"I wouldn't give birth any other way! Definately using a doula again...everything stayed so calm and relaxing and everything went great! Good support for both my husband and I! Our doula made sure the little but important things happened, like staying hydrated and eating. It was such a great experience." -Di
"I appreciated our initial meetings where our doula explained the process and asked us for our thoughts, wishes and ideas. The postpartum meeting allowed me to have any questions answered and feel more comfortable with breastfeeding. It was nice to hear “you’re on the right track” as a first time mom. I was grateful for the tips and suggestions when I was missing something. I would absolutely hire a doula again, they should be a staple in every birthing team." -Michele
"I have had two amazing, natural, drug free births. My husband was a huge support. But there is no way I would voluntarily birth without a doula. The weeks, days, hours leading up to my birthing time were challenging, not knowing when "it" would start, but having a doula to talk, vent, cry, laugh with, etc was essential for my mental health. Then add in the support during birthing and even more so after baby arrived. Talking about the birth, breastfeeding, babywearing, and general parenting with a doula makes it all so much easier. Thank you to my doulas!!" - Kjersten
"Having a doula was invaluable. The only question for the next birth will be one doula or two." -Spencer
"I would say missing out of having a doula for my first birth led to my desire to become a doula and then fulfill my wonderful vision for my second birth, which included my fabulous doula. I would tell any mom but definitely a first time mom that she owes it to herself to research pregnancy and birth options and educate herself and her birth partner and that research needs to include using a doula no matter what kind of birth she plans for." - Laura
"I wouldn't give birth any other way! Definately using a doula again...everything stayed so calm and relaxing and everything went great! Good support for both my husband and I! Our doula made sure the little but important things happened, like staying hydrated and eating. It was such a great experience." -Di
A huge thanks to Jen, Jen and Aileen for sharing these beautiful photos of doulas in action!