by Anne Ferguson
New doulas, or any doula who is unfamiliar with Hypnobabies, may wonder how they can get up to speed on Hypnobabies to best support clients who select this type of childbirth education. Read on for a quick guide to getting started as a Hypno-Doula!
We know you will LOVE supporting Hypnobabies families because it makes your job easier. The comprehensive nature of the course means you'll have less to cover and teach clients at prenatals and the amazing tools that Hypnobabies provides for families means easier births for all involved. Students are so empowered after finishing the course and once a doula has seen her first Hypnobabies birth she is hooked!
New doulas, or any doula who is unfamiliar with Hypnobabies, may wonder how they can get up to speed on Hypnobabies to best support clients who select this type of childbirth education. Read on for a quick guide to getting started as a Hypno-Doula!
We know you will LOVE supporting Hypnobabies families because it makes your job easier. The comprehensive nature of the course means you'll have less to cover and teach clients at prenatals and the amazing tools that Hypnobabies provides for families means easier births for all involved. Students are so empowered after finishing the course and once a doula has seen her first Hypnobabies birth she is hooked!